Archive for March 2014

[Supper Snapshots Yogyakarta] Going Home

We stayed up all night and left very early to the train station, as our train departed at half past 7. The train was a bit late, but this allowed us to buy some oleh-oleh.

The trip felt rather longer than the one before, probably because this one was during the day. It gave us chances to take photos, but at some point we were just so tired so we went to sleep. However, halfway to Jakarta the air-co (and other electricity sources) were dead, so we felt as if we were inside a microwave. Luckily it was not that hot (I guess the temperature at that time was around 28 degrees), but still..

Titing stepped off at Jatinegara station while I went all the way to Pasar Senen station, and then got an ojek (motorcycle taxi) to my office and worked.


Location: Tugu Yogyakarta, Jalan Pasar Kembang, Gedong Tengen, Yogyakarta City 55271, Indonesia
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[Supper Snapshots Yogyakarta] The Exhibition Opening

Saturday, 1 March 2014

The Supper Snapshots exhibition was opened on 1 March 2014, while the exhibition itself runs for a whole month until 30 March.We arrived at LIR around half an hour before the scheduled opening time and soon friends started to come. There were Luci and Sigid from Antara, and Wid and Putra from Kelas Pagi Yogyakarta.

before the opening starts

Dito and I opened the exhibition at 16.30, and I presented the Supper Snapshots book and a framed photo to LIR. Maarten and I chose the lime photo because it reminded us so much of the LIR logo.The opening was followed by a super-gezellige tea time. LIR provided two jars of Javanese tea with bread and savoury snacks, and I added Dutch snacks: stroopwafels and speculaas.

the exhibition is officially opened

tea time!


For me, it was a perfect exhibition opening. The timing was good because we had the mini teapot and cups for the poster which resembled tea time, and LIR had such awesome tea sets, plus the afternoon sun was shining brightly into the terrace.


the exhibition

In the background the music from the Supper Snapshots mixtape was playing, followed by the 'Seventeen Sunny Summery Songs that Start with the letter S'.

Later that afternoon Nanto also came to the opening, and Dito introduced me to Moki, the artist behind 'Mukamalas'. Maarten and I like his works very much, and Maarten bought his t-shirt when we visited Yogyakarta a couple of years ago. This time I bought mini booklets consisting of his illustrations, and I asked him to sign them ;-)

Around half past 7 Titing and I had to leave LIR to go to our next visit: Klinik Kopi.

Location: Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta City, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
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[Supper Snapshots Yogyakarta] Installation at LIR

It was 7 in the morning when we decided to wake up from our 'station nap' and have a breakfast at the station. Then we went to LIR by becak, arriving there at 8-ish.

Dito greeted us and showed us the gallery, and the tools had all been prepared there.

Luckily we were well-prepared so the photo installation went very smoothly. We measured the walls based on the wall plan made by Maarten, and soon we started to drill. Dito helped us drilling and we started to hang the frames on the walls.


I found the gallery room very nice with white walls and a wooden window that can be opened, facing the terrace with a long table and chairs. There was a small window ledge that could hold our postcards and flyers, so we did not need to install any wooden floating shelves.

The installation was very quick so by 2 in the afternoon we had finished everything. Even sweeping the floor and tidying up the tools, and taking naps on the floor of the gallery (because we were so exhausted from the lack of sleep).


the finished layout

LIR in general is a very nice place to hang out, with a small living room and a bookshelf, a couple of small exhibition spaces, a kitchen, and a terrace cafe. It was actually an old house, so I could actually smell the oldness and it really reminded me of my aunt’s old house in Manahan (Solo).

We were all set to go to the house of mbak Mirna, where we were going to stay for the next couple of days. However, it suddenly rained so we decided to take another hour to sleep..


Location: Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta City, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
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[Supper Snapshots Yogyakarta] Night Train to the City of Gudeg

Pasar Senen-Tugu
28 February 2014

Our journey for the Supper Snapshots exhibition in Yogyakarta started on Thursday as Titing and I took the business-class train Senja Utama from Pasar Senen station at half past six in the afternoon. It was my first long train trip in years (my last one was in 2004 I think) and there has been some changes. All the economy and business class trains are now equipped with air-co, and the difference between the classes is now in the seats. The cheaper the trains the less convenient the seats.

Pasar Senen Station

early dinner: nasi goreng

the economy class station next to to us (L) and our coach

The good thing about the air-co was that we didn’t need to worry about the heat so we could get a better rest. However, the air-co was a house air-co stuck onto one side of the ceiling and it was aimed right at us. It was bad. It was so bad that we couldn't have a decent sleep. And when I can not have a decent sleep on a moving vehicle, it means that it is far from convenient.

Titing with her mobile phone receiving tasks and later trying to sleep

One thing that we should've brought was a sleeping bag. If we brought one, one of us would've been able to sleep on the seat and the other on the floor on a sleeping bag. We didn't bring newspapers either - or anything that we could use as a 'sleeping mat'.. like what other people actually did.

Everybody sleeps..

I finally ended up watching the Person of Interest series and editing some photos while Titing did some revisions for her work. We had very little sleep and we were quite surprised that the train actually arrived on time. My friends told me that the trains usually depart on time but arrive late, but it turned out that our train arrived at Senja Utama at three in the morning.

We were still so tired so we decided to sleep a at the station for a while before going to LIR.

Sleeping on the station's seats

Location: Tugu Yogyakarta, Jalan Pasar Kembang, Gedong Tengen, Yogyakarta City 55271, Indonesia
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