Archive for April 2012

[Supper Snapshots Exhibition] Photos by Tirta Kusuma

Supper Snapshots

Capturing 2 Cuisines

the magic table

the opening session at the common room's terrace

filling in attendance list

supper snapshots visitors

anderen // lain-lain

feest // perayaan (L) and snoepjes // cemilan

koffie // teh (L) and paprika // sawi

groenten // sayuran

the knife, the fork, and the spoon

maarten does a soundcheck

skipping salamander school props:
melodica, glockenspiel, and a bag of chips

skipping salamander school (L) 
and ella empress and the layers of reality (R, with ella streaming sounds from den haag)

the audience

funny little dream

the lyrics sheets

our happy snapshots :-)

Location: Jalan Kyai Gede Utama, Bandung, Indonesia
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