Archive for October 2009



Welcome to a collaborative photo diary by Oxalis Atindriyaratri and Maarten Wesselius. The project was first inspired by a blog Oxalis found in photojojo, about a collaborative photoblog where two best friends take photos and put their photos from the same date side by side. Some nice examples of this project were done by Nina Barry and Josh Shayne in their blog called the Minty Forest and Rajit and Spatialk at Don’t Wiggle.

Anyway, since we like to cook together and take photos of our food, we decided to make the photoblog to be more specific: taking photos of the food we had every day.

In this way, it also helps us to see what kind of food we had and look for a more varieties in what we eat. But despite the name of suppersnapshots, the photos will not be only taken during supper time. We will also put photos of our breakfast, lunch, high tea, or even our favourite snacks.

The picture on the left is always by Maarten, and the one on the right by Oxalis.

We hope you enjoy this project as much as we do. Eet smakelijk!

Oxalis and Maarten

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